[FUGSPBR] equivalente do watch do linux p/ o free 4.4

Vinis vinis em netbsd.com.br
Ter Dez 18 23:47:04 BRST 2001

existe watch pra freebsd, www.free.bsd.com.br

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 16:10:30 -0200
"Alexandre Nuernberg" <berg em viaip.com.br> wrote:

> ola pessoal,
> tem algum programa que substitua o watch do linux e que rode no freebsd
> 4.4???
> o watch do free nao tem nada a ver c/ o do linux:
> [root em praia1 /etc]# man watch
> WATCH(1)               Linux User's Manual               WATCH(1)
>        watch - watch a program with update intervals
>        watch [-n seconds] program [ args ...  ]
>        watch  is  a  curses(3)-based  program  that  allows  you  to
> watch a
> program as it
>        changes.  By default, it updates itself every  2  seconds.   You 
> can
> specify  the
>        number  of  seconds  with  the  -n  option.   The  curses
> packages
> allows for quick
>        updating of the screen through cursor optimization.  The program
> will
> end  with  a
>        keyboard interrupt, which will leave the screen in a valid yet
> cleared state.
> e no free:
> WATCH(8)                FreeBSD System Manager's Manual
> WATCH(8)
>      watch - snoop on another tty line
>      watch [-ciotnW] [tty]
>      Watch allows the superuser to examine all data coming through a
> specified
>      tty.  Watch writes to standard output.
>      The options are as follows:
> alexandre
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