[FUGSPBR] Pergunta basica

Antonio Carlos Venancio Junior floripa em zoing.net
Ter Jul 3 19:56:23 BRT 2001


        Boa ideia, e´ isso mesmo! Valeu! =)

On 03-Jul-2001 Alvicler Magalhaes wrote:
> Aproveitando o embalo,
> man man > teste.txt
> more teste.txt
> seria isto??



[ floripa em zoing.net | antonio em showZ.com.br | antonio em inf.ufsc.br ]
[ http://floripa.zoing.net | http://www.zoing.net | http://www.showZ.com.br ]
[ ICQ# 9253680 | Floripa | MySQL | PHP | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve ]
I see a good deal of talk from Washington about lowering taxes.  I hope
they do get 'em lowered enough so people can afford to pay 'em.
                -- Will Rogers

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