[fug_sp_br] Viva a Wind River

Luís Vitório Cargnini cargnini em cpad.pucrs.br
Qua Maio 9 16:45:39 BRT 2001


                      Due to technical difficulties at our ISP you may
                      that ftp.freebsd.org is unreachable, and/or does
                      contain the usual content. Unfortunately this will
                      affect many of the links from this site. We do not
                      have an ETA for the return of normal service, but
                      are working as quickly as possible to get a
                      replacement up and running. In the meantime, we
                      strongly suggest you use a mirror site , of the
                      ftp.country-code.freebsd.org. Thank you for your

é aprimeira vez que vejo isso na vida (foi a primeira  vez que o BSD foi
www.freebsd.org isso, acima, está lá na page principal do demônio
|	Luís Vitório Cargnini      |
|	 Bolsista ITI - CPAD       |
|	 Convênio HP - FACIN       |
|		PUC - RS           |
|		 Brasil	           |
|	cargnini em cpad.pucrs.br     |

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