[FUGSPBR] populando o rescue disk ...

Edson Brandi e.brandi em uol.com.br
Ter Out 2 10:56:42 BRT 2001


coloquei os seguintes aplicativos no CD de rescue:

BitchX-1.0c18       An alternative ircII color client with optional
cclient-0106191041  Mark Crispen's C-client mail access routines
dsniff-2.3          Various sniffing utilities for penetration testing
fetchmail-5.8.17_1  Batch mail retrieval utility for
fsck_ext2fs-2.8     Ext2fs filesystem consistency check and interactive
gettext-0.10.35     GNU gettext package
hlfl-0.52           High Level Firewall Language
licq-base-1.0.3     A popular ICQ-compatible plugin-based program
licq-console-1.0.2  Ncurses-based console plugin for Licq
lsof-4.58.1         Lists information about open files (similar to
lynx-ssl-    A non-graphical, text-based ssl-enabled World-Wide
Web clie
pine-4.33_1         PINE(tm) -- a Program for Internet News & Email
samba-2.2.1a_2      A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
tcpshow-1.74        Decode tcpdump(1) output
tcpstat-1.4         A program to report various network statistics
unix2dos-1.2        Translate ASCII files from DOS (cr/lf) to UNIX (lf)
unzip-5.42          List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP
wget-1.7_3          Retrieve files from the 'net via HTTP and FTP
zip-2.3             Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzi

Alguem tem mais alguma sugestão levando em conta que que neste disco so
entra aplicativos de modo console ???

[ ]'s Edson
                                                ,        ,
   Edson Brandi                                /(        )`
   Supervisor de Operacoes - UOL               \ \___   / |
   Fone:   0XX11 96555470                      /- _  `-/  '
           0XX11 32244103                     (/\/ \ \   /\
   ICQ at Work:  32512639                     / /   | `    \
   ICQ at Home: 100503189                     O O   ) /    |
---------------------------------------       `-^--'`<     '
                                             (_.)  _  )   /
Transforme seu PC numa Workstation Unix.      `.___/`    /
 Visite http://www.primeirospassos.org         `-----' /
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