[FUGSPBR] Erro ao tentar iniciar KDE e Gnome !!!

Luis Vitorio Cargnini lvcargnini em telenova.net
Qua Out 17 09:29:11 BRST 2001

tenta ae se teu shell for esses porcos tipo sh ksh bash(urghhh) tu faz
export DISPLAY=0.0
sen'ao fdaz setenv DISPLAY :0.0

Michel Konzen wrote:

> --
> xsetroot: unable to opne dispaly ' '
> xset: unable to opne display ""
> xset: unable to opne display ""
> xset: unable to opne display ""
> ksplash: Cannot connect to XServer
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/local/lib
> Aborting. $Display id not set
> Aborting. $Display id not set
> Error:KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unxpected
> Kmserver: cannot connect to XSever
> --
> O que pode ser isso?
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