[FUGSPBR] login_conf["Exploitado"]...:)

Marcos Tischer Vallim nightzone em gullo.com.br
Sex Set 21 08:53:29 BRT 2001

afternoon all,

   For those of you who havent gotten around to patching login_cap.c
to fix the openssh login class exploit recently released, I have a quick
fix that should be good enough to stop pests reading files on your system,
such as master.passwd.

using vipw, add all users to a login class that has been defined in 

for most people simply adding the user to standard will suffice:

bob:xxxxxxxxxxxxx:1062:1062::0:0:bob t builder:/home/bob:/usr/local/bin/bash

should be changed to

bob:xxxxxxxxxxxxx:1062:1062:standard:0:0:bob t 

which corresponds to:


in /etc/login.conf

This has been tested and found to prevent the exploit in 4.0, 4.1, 4.3 
and 4.4-RC


Marc Rogers
Technical Director
European Data Corporation

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