[FUGSPBR] Re: [FUGSPBR] script de inicializacao

Patrick Tracanelli eksffa em bsd.com.br
Sex Jul 5 10:11:10 BRT 2002

Se eu nao me engano - nao vou rebootar pra tirar a limpo - desde o 
inicio da serie 4 eh obrigatorio que o script seja .sh dentro de 
/usr/local/etc/rc.d - ou qualquer outro startup dir definido no rc.conf 
- mas na serie 3 realmente nao era. Qualquer coisa executavel seria o 

Do man rc.shutdown:

o   Scripts are only executed if their basename(1) matches the shell
          globbing pattern *.sh, and they are executable.  Any other 
files or
          directories present within the directory are silently ignored.
      o   When a script is executed at boot time, it is passed the string
          ``start'' as its first and only argument.  At shutdown time, it is
          passed the string ``stop'' as its first and only argument. 
All rc.d
          scripts expected to handle these arguments appropriately.  If no
          action needs to be taken at a given time (either boot time or 
          down time) the script should exit successfully and without 
          an error message.
      o   The scripts within each directory are executed in lexicographical
          order.  If a specific order is required, numbers may be used as a
          prefix to the existing filenames, so for example 100.foo would be
          executed before 200.bar; without the numeric prefixes the opposite
          would be true.

  Se nao me falhe a memoria tambem, o rc.shutdown eh chamado apenas a 
partir do comando shutdown ( -r -h -oqquerqseja ) ou seja, se voce 
reiniciar o freebsd com reboot ou halt o sistema nao manda os "stop" 
pros arquivos .sh la dentro.

Giovanni P. Tirloni wrote:
> * Giese, Christopher (chris em irapida.com.br) wrote:
>>eles naum precisam ser .sh e nem ter o esquema de start/stop
>>seria otimo se fizesse tudo bonitinho desta forma... concordo... eu mesmo
>>sempre sigo esta regra
>>mas se naum seguir ela.... tb funciona

| Patrick Leandro Tracanelli do Carmo           | (   )   |
| Parallel Processing & BSD Unix enthusiastic   | (O_O)   |
| FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT i386 SMP #21              | \`-'/  w|
| Faculdade de Tecnologia Taquaritinga / Unesp  | (   )__||
|===============================================| /m`m\   |
| eksffa em bsd.com.br, eksffa em fatectq.com.br      | FreeBSD |
Long live Hanin Elias, Kim Deal!!! ;-)

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