[FUGSPBR] Atualizando ports

Capriotti capriotti em portal7.com.br
Seg Maio 13 12:58:14 BRT 2002

Para quem estava atrás desta info, esta é comuinicação direta do FreeBSD team:

>To upgrade a fixed port/packages, perform one of the following:
>1) Upgrade your Ports Collection and rebuild and reinstall the port.
>Several tools are available in the Ports Collection to make this
>easier.  See:
>   /usr/ports/devel/portcheckout
>   /usr/ports/misc/porteasy
>   /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade
>2) Deinstall the old package and install a new package obtained from
>Packages are not automatically generated for other architectures at
>this time.

fugspbr em fugspbr.org

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