[FUGSPBR] [FreeBSD 4.7 Now Available] (fwd)

Jean Milanez Melo jmelo em freebsdbrasil.com.br
Qui Out 10 12:47:01 BRT 2002

Boa tarde,

Saiu o anuncio oficial do FreeBSD 4.7. Entre os destaques estao:

- Correcao de bugs da 4.6
- suporte a novos hardwares
- suporte a IPFW2
- FAQ em pt-BR
- Varias atualizacoes de softwares do sistema.

Entre outras coisas. Aconselho ler o RELEASE notes para maiores

Abaixo segue o forward do email do anuncio oficial:

I am happy to announce the availability of FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE, the
latest release of the FreeBSD -STABLE development branch.  Since
FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE in June 2002, we have updated a number of software
programs in the base system, such as GCC and sendmail.  Several new
drivers have been added for USB devices and disk controllers.  We have
also incorporated updates for XFree86 and our Linux compatibility

FreeBSD 4.7 also incorporates all of the security and bug fixes from
4.6.2 (released in August 2002), including several ATA-related
bugfixes, updates for OpenSSL and OpenSSH, and fixes to address
several security advisories.

For a complete list of new features and known problems, please see the
release notes and errata list, available here:


For more information about FreeBSD release engineering activities
(including information about the upcoming FreeBSD 5.0), please see:


- ------------

FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE supports the i386 and alpha architectures and can
be installed directly over the net using the boot floppies or copied
to a local NFS/FTP server.  Distributions for the i386 are available
now.  As of this writing, the final builds for the alpha architecture
are in progress and will be made available shortly.

Please continue to support the FreeBSD Project by purchasing media
from one of our supporting vendors.  The following companies will be
offering FreeBSD 4.7 based products:

   FreeBSD Mall, Inc.        http://www.freebsdmall.com/
   Daemonnews, Inc.          http://www.bsdmall.com/freebsd1.html

If you can't afford FreeBSD on media, are impatient, or just want to
use it for evangelism purposes, then by all means download the ISO
images.  We can't promise that all the mirror sites will carry the
larger ISO images, but they will at least be available from:


FreeBSD is also available via anonymous FTP from mirror sites in the
following countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada,
China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, the
Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi
Arabia, South Africa, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

Before trying the central FTP site, please check your regional
mirror(s) first by going to:


Any additional mirror sites will be labeled ftp2, ftp3 and so on.

More information about FreeBSD mirror sites can be found at:


For instructions on installing FreeBSD, please see Chapter 2 of The
FreeBSD Handbook.  It provides a complete installation walk-through
for users new to FreeBSD, and can be found online at:


- ---------------

Many companies donated equipment, network access, or man-hours to
finance the release engineering activities for FreeBSD 4.7 including
The FreeBSD Mall, Compaq, Yahoo!, Sentex Communications, and

In addition to myself, the release engineering team for 4.7-RELEASE

  Bruce A. Mah <bmah em FreeBSD.org>         Release Engineering, Documentation
  Robert Watson <rwatson em FreeBSD.org>     Release Engineering, Security
  John Baldwin <jhb em FreeBSD.org>          Release Engineering
  Brian Somers <brian em FreeBSD.org>        Release Engineering
  Kris Kennaway <kris em FreeBSD.org>        Package Building
  Will Andrews <will em FreeBSD.org>         Package Building
  Steve Price <steve em FreeBSD.org>         Package Building
  Jacques A. Vidrine <nectar em FreeBSD.org> Security Officer

Sair da Lista: http://www2.fugspbr.org/mailman/listinfo/fugspbr
Historico: http://www4.fugspbr.org/lista/html/FUG-BR/

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