[FUGSPBR] Fw: [Doc] Pedido de inclusao do FAQ enviado :) [lioux em FreeBSD.org: Review of pt_BR.ISO8859-1 FAQ :)]

Edson Brandi edson.brandi em corp.ibest.com.br
Sex Set 27 01:43:35 BRT 2002



----- Original Message -----
From: "Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira" <lioux-list em uol.com.br>
To: <doc em fugspbr.org>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 1:31 AM
Subject: [Doc] Pedido de inclusao do FAQ enviado :) [lioux em FreeBSD.org:
Review of pt_BR.ISO8859-1 FAQ :)]

> Senhores,
> O pedido de inclusao do FAQ foi enviado. :)
> O Alexey Zelkin eh russo, entao estah recebendo o email no meio da
> tarde. Deve dar tempo dele revisar e me responder antes do amanhecer.
> Fechamos 1 arquivo book.sgml funcional. PARABENS. :))
> Durante a madrugada, eu e o Edson vamos terminar
> de dar umas ultimas revisadas. Com certeza ainda tem alguns errinhos
> no arquivo e ainda vao sobrar outros depois desta revisao. Eh normal
> num arquivo deste tamanho.  Mas o arquivo estah num nivel otimo,
> suficiente pra entrar na distribuicao oficial do FreeBSD. :)
> As correcoes dos pequenos erros q sobrarem
> podem ser feitas depois. Daqui 1 mes. Pra dar tempo de cacar todas
> com cuidado.
> Nesse meio tempo, vamos nos preparar para o
> Handbook. :))) E para traduzir alguns artigos no meio do caminho.
> Eles sao menores e permitem q sempre possamos entregar arquivos
> prontos para o projeto enquanto a traducao do Handbook nao termina.
> hHeeh
> Mais uma vez, um bom trabalho de todo o grupo
> tenham participado da traducao, revisao, commits, sugestoes,
> discussoes. Um bom trabalho de todos q participaram desta empreitada.
> ----- Forwarded message from Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira
<lioux em FreeBSD.org> -----
> From: Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <lioux em FreeBSD.org>
> To: Alexey Zelkin <phantom em FreeBSD.ORG>
> Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 01:25:32 -0300
> Message-ID: <20020927042532.GA7393 em exxodus.fedaykin.here>
> Subject: Review of pt_BR.ISO8859-1 FAQ :)
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i
> Hi Alexey,
> I have a nice surprise.  The Brazilian Portuguese Documentation
> Project has been pulling all-nighters for the past couple of weeks.
> :) We wanted to make sure we finished it before the doc freeze so
> that it would be shipped with 4.7R :)
> We have a fully translated FAQ.  :) The translation is based
> on revision 1.456 which is not far off from our current 1.478 en
> one.  We hope this is okay since we want to enable the build of the
> We followed standard translation procedure, snapshoted a
> revision.  Translated it fully using a glossary to guarantee a
> certain normalization of vocabulary translation.  The glossary is
> an extended version of the one used for the original handbook.  This
> is more complete version with addition from several members of the
> project.
> The only difference from standard translation was that we
> introduced the use of entities in the translation.  Instead of
> directly translating the word handbook, we used an entity
> &a.ptbr.p.handbook;.  We decided to use this because of the controversy
> that arised from the translation of this word.  There were controversies
> around other words but this was the worst.  Since I have a feeling
> that we might have to change this word in the future, better stick
> to an entity that will be used in all our translation efforts.
> Therefore any changes will be limitted to the entity itself instead
> of all books.  Also, this helped train the translator team in the
> use of such techniques for further translation efforts.  :)
> BIG KUDOS to the PT_BR translation team.  Next step
> will be the Handbook alongside several small articles to keep us
> busy while the Handbook is being translated.  ;-)
> I do hope you approve this big commit so that this
> ships in 4.7R.  A big thing for Brazilians.  Our very first fully
> translated document.  I will commit this as soon as I hear from
> you.  You can reply ANY TIME.  :) I'm waiting by the computer.
> With no further delay, here goes the files:
> 1) New files:
> doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/faq/Makefile
> doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml
> doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/words.ent
> 2) Modified files
> doc/Makefile
> doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/Makefile
> doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/catalog
> 3) Detailed description of changes. Files listed in the
> order they will be committed.  The field modifications description
> most likely contains the descriptions I am going to use when
> committing the changes
> o doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/words.ent
> - modifications: new file
> 1) add file with entities both for controversial
>    words or for easy of maintainance. File begins
>    with a single word. Every jorney begins with a
>    first step
> - based on: none, totally new file
> o doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/catalog
> - modifications: patch to existing file
> 1) add words.ent
> o doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml
> - modifications: new file
> 1) add fully translated pt_br version
> - based on: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml revision
>   1.478
> o doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/faq/Makefile
> - modifications: new file
> 1) add Makefile for building faq
> - based on: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/Makefile revision
>   1.7
> o doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/Makefile
> - modifications: patch to existing file
> 1) un-connect handbook from build since it is not
>    complete
> 2) connect faq to build since it is complete
> o doc/Makefile
> - modifications: patch to existing file
> 1) finally connect pt_BR.ISO8859-1 to the build
> -------
> I am supplying a diff with all the files.
> http://people.FreeBSD.org/~lioux/faq/patch-faq.gz
> To use the diff:
> 1) mkdir doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/faq
> 2) patch < patch-faq
> 3) cvs add doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/words.ent
> 4) cvs add doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/faq/Makefile
> 5) cvs add doc/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml
> And, I am supplying a tar.gz of the updated pt_BR.ISO8859-1
> for easier review. :)
> http://people.FreeBSD.org/~lioux/faq/pt_BR.ISO8859-1.tar.gz
> A sample html version can be found at
> http://people.FreeBSD.org/~lioux/faq/book.html
> Let me know what do you think.
> Regards,
> --
> Mario S F Ferreira - DF - Brazil - "I guess this is a signature."
> Computer Science Undergraduate | FreeBSD Committer | CS Developer
> flames to beloved devnull em someotherworldbeloworabove.org
> feature, n: a documented bug | bug, n: an undocumented feature
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> --
> Mario S F Ferreira - DF - Brasil - "Acho que isso eh uma assinatura."
> Bacharelando em Ciencia da Computacao | FreeBSD Committer
> reclamacoes para amado devnull em outromundoacimaouabaixo.org.br
> | funcionalidade, s: um defeito documentado
> | defeito, s: uma funcionalidade nao documentada
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