[FUGSPBR] Fw: FreeBSD 5.2-RC1 released

Giovanni P. Tirloni gpt em tirloni.org
Qui Dez 11 09:59:15 BRST 2003


 Estou repassando este aviso sobre o lançamento da versão 5.2-RC1
 (Release Candidate 1) do FreeBSD. Está versão NÃO é recomendada para
 uso em produção.

 Entretanto quem estiver disposto a dar um feedback sobre os bugs
 encontrados e também conhecer todas as novidades da versão 5 (em
 relação a 4) é mais do que bem-vindo :)

 Bugs podem ser reportados preferencialmente através do send-pr(8)
 e a lista oficial de discussão é a current em freebsd.org. 

 Links úteis

  a) http://www.freebsd.org/handbook
  b) http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/5.1R/early-adopter.html
  c) http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributing \

----- Forwarded message from Scott Long <scottl em freebsd.org> -----

Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 11:37:21 -0700 (MST)
From: Scott Long <scottl em freebsd.org>
To: current em freebsd.org
Subject: FreeBSD 5.2-RC1 released


I've uploaded ISO images and FTP install bits for FreeBSD 5.2-RC1.  i386,
alpha, and pc98 are available now, amd64 will be available shortly, and
sparc64 will be available later tonight.  Please test this as much as
possible so that we can release a good 5.2-RELEASE next week.

One significant difference to test is a change in the Security Profile
dialogs of sysinstall.  Please provide feedback right away if this
doesn't work correctly.  Other known errata with this release include:

- The Alpha install bits were build with the wrong version label.  This
  is mostly cosmetic and should not affect anything, and it will be fixed
  in the final release.

- Not all of the 5.2 packages are done building yet, so some pieces of
  Gnome and KDE in particular might be missing from the disc1 ISO.  This
  will be resolved for the final release.

- There is a known problem with vnode locking that is undergoing testing
  and will be committed to the RELENG_5_2 branch shorty.

I will provide a PGP-signed message with the MD5 checksums later tonight.

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----- End forwarded message -----

 Giovanni P. Tirloni <gpt at tirloni.org>
 Fingerprint: 8C3F BEC5 79BD 3E9B EDB8  72F4 16E8 BA5E D031 5C26
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