[FUGSPBR] HyperThreading

Renato Botelho renato em galle.com.br
Qui Dez 11 14:41:30 BRST 2003

Marcio Jota Coelho wrote:
> Pessoal 
> como eu configuro meu Kernel 4.9 stable para usar o sistema de HyperThreading dos processadores intel
> t+
> Marcio

Retirado do /usr/src/UPDATING do Free 4.9-RELEASE.p1

         Support for HyperThread logical CPUs has now been enabled by
         default.  As a result, the HTT kernel option no longer exists.
         Instead, the logical CPUs are always started so that they can
         handle interrupts.  However, the extra logical CPUs are revented
         from executing user processes by default.  To enable the logical
         CPUs, change the value of the machdep.hlt_logical_cpus from 1 to
         0.  This value can also be set from the loader as a tunable of
         the same name.

Renato Botelho
Developer & Unix Admin

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