RES: RES: [FUGSPBR] Analisador do Logs

Mauricio Goto freebsd-brasil em
Seg Jan 13 17:28:13 BRST 2003

ai vai amigao.

[goto] /usr/ports> more /usr/ports/net/nstreams/pkg-comment 
Analyses network traffic and produces ipfw rules to allow it

[goto] /usr/ports> more /usr/ports/net/nstreams/pkg-descr 
Nstreams is a program which analyzes the streams that occur on a network. It displays which streams are generated by the users between several networks, and between the networks and the outside. It can optionally generate the ipchains or ipfw rules that will match these streams, thus only allowing what is required for the users, and nothing more.

Nstreams can parse the tcpdump output, or the files generated with the -w option of tcpdump. It can also directly sniff the data that occurs on the network.

This product was designed by HSC and coded by Renaud Deraison
(deraison em, author of the Nessus software ( It is available for free and under GNU license.



> Amigo, eu quero uma dica de de um analisador de logs e naõ como ativar o
> serviço.
> Alexsandro Moraes Donato
> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: Mauricio Goto [mailto:freebsd-brasil em] 
> Enviada em: segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2003 16:04
> Para: Alexsandro Donato
> Assunto: Re: RES: [FUGSPBR] Analisador do Logs
> de uma olhada na resposta do Jean :) 
> []x
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