Vitor de Matos Carvalho listas em softinfo.com.br
Dom Jul 6 00:12:55 BRT 2003

Da uma olhada agora:

LoadMIBs: /usr/local/etc/squid/mib.txt
Target[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: "cacheRequestByteRatio.5&cacheRequestByteRatio.5:public em localhost:3401"
Title[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: Cache Statistics: Cache Byte Hit ratio
PageTop[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: <H1>Cache Statistics: Cache Byte Hit ratio</H1>
Xsize[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: 600
Ysize[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: 200
Ytics[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: 10
LegendI[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: Cache Byte hit ratio
Legend1[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: Cache Byte Hit ratio
YLegend[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: Cache Byte Hit ratio
MaxBytes[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: 500000
Options[squid.cache.hitratio.byte]: gauge

jangada# /usr/local/bin/mrtg /usr/local/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
ERROR: Target[squid.cache.hitratio.byte][_IN_] '" $$target[3]{$mode} "' evaluated to ' 26 ' instead of a number
ERROR: Target[squid.cache.hitratio.byte][_OUT_] '" $$target[3]{$mode} "' evaluated to ' 26 ' instead of a number
WARNING: Skipping Update of squid.cache.hitratio.byte, inlast is not defined
WARNING: Skipping Update of squid.cache.hitratio.byte, outlast is not defined


Vitor de Matos Carvalho - #5602098
Softinfo Network Administrator
+55 (71)9971-5011 / +55 (71)9986-9317
Salvador - Bahia - Brazil
FreeBSD: The silent Workhorse
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Márcio Luciano Donada" <marcio em sl.unochapeco.rct-sc.br>
To: "Grupo Brasileiro de Usuarios FreeBSD" <fugspbr em fugspbr.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: [FUGSPBR] Squid + MRTG

> Não, eu acredito que isso seje problema no snmp Você está utilizando o
> net-snmp?
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