[FUGSPBR] Pequeno artigo de como fazer =?iso-8859-1?q?seguran=E7a?=no seu FreeBSD

Christian mandapraesse em uol.com.br
Seg Jun 23 15:06:00 BRT 2003

Galerinha, um pequeno artigo da 

Na íntegra, aqui.

4 newbies (like me) .


Basic Security Measures for FreeBSD
by Szekely Ervin - Thursday, 19 June 2003.


This document will describe the basic security measures that should be
applied to a FreeBSD 4.x workstation.
Mostly all of these measures should be applied in a server environment
too with some extra measures 
(CGI/PHP security for webservers, SQL security for databases, etc.)

The basics

FreeBSD is a pretty secure OS, although security aware people shouldn't
rely on default OS security 
because even if the installed release is secure at the moment, our
security system should protect us not 
only from current vulnerabilities but from ALL of them, even the
undiscovered/undisclosed ones.

The first thing to do after we install FreeBSD is disabling to services
we don't need. 
Let's say that you need FTP for file transfer and a SSHD (that you will
only use in your local network). 
In order to disable all other services edit /etc/rc.conf like this:

sendmail_enable="NONE"      # disable sendmail
sshd_enable="YES"	    # only if you need sshd otherwise set it to "NO"
If you need ftpd you should also add:

Now edit /etc/inetd.conf and uncomment ftp. The rest of the services
should be left commented unless you 
don't need something else too (but remember that more services mean more

Ok, now you should check the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ directory. That's
where httpd, 
rpcd, and other daemons are initialized just chmod -x the scripts you
don't need 
(or just move/delete them if you feel more comfortable with it).

Now reboot your system and type this:

sockstat -l4
you should see something like:
root     sshd       432    4 tcp4   *:22                  *:*
root     lpd         72    7 tcp4   *:515                 *:*
root     syslogd     60    5 udp4   *:514                 *:*
root     inetd      445    4 tcp4   *:21                  *:*

If you see any other open service that you don't need you probably
missed something in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/.

User management

If you are the only one who's using the workstation you should have at
least 2 users besides root. 
The first one should be used for ftp access. That's because ftp
transfers are not encrypted and they 
can be sniffed. This user should have the lowest security level and
 This is very important, this is the reason for having 2 users. The
difference between regular users 
 and users added to the wheel group is that while those in the wheel
group are able to "su root",
 regular users can't access root even if they would have the root

The second user should be part of the wheel group and it will be used
ONLY for ssh. 
This user's password shouldn't be exposed to unencrypted protocols (like
ftp, telnet, pop, etc). 
In order to make sure that you will never accidentally log in to ftp,
you should add this user to
 /etc/ftpusers. If you need multiple users you should use this scheme
for all of them 
 (depending on their needs). I guess it's useless to say that you should
use different passwords for these users :).


Firewalls are usually designed to prevent outsiders from accessing
services on our network, they're also 
used to prevent DoS (Denial of Service) and DDoS (Distributed Denial of
Service) attacks.

FreeBSD comes with a superb firewalling tool called ipfw. It's very
flexible has tons of options yet it's 
pretty easy to use & set up. Now we're going to discuss how to set up a
firewall for a workstation 
connected to the internet trough a dial-up connection (that's what I
have at home), however you can use 
this document for other connection types too.

First of all you have to reconfigure your kernel. If you don't know how
to do that, check in the FreeBSD 

Edit your own kernel and add the following lines:

options IPFW2 # for FreeBSD < 4.7 use IPFW instead of IPFW2
options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE   #we also want logs, right ?
options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=100 # This prevents your log file from
                                     # up with lots of repetitive
options IPDIVERT		     # Enables divert sockets (we're gonna talk
about this
         			     # latter
options TCP_DROP_SYNFIN		     # This option ignores all TCP packets that
				     # SYN and FIN, this prevents OS fingerprinting with
				     # like nmap. This option is not recommended if your
				     # run a webserver on this machine because it breaks
				     # for RFC1644.

Now all you have to do is recompile the kernel. But don't reboot yet.
We're gonna still need to do some 
changes in /etc/rc.conf.

Open /etc/rc.conf in your favorite text editor and add these lines:

firewall_script="/etc/firewall/ifpw.rules" # This is where your firewall
					    # is going to be located
natd_interface="tun0"			    # Or eth0 if your not on dial-up

Now, if you are a dial-up user you might have natd enabled either in
your rc.conf file either in
 your ppp.conf file. Disable them by adding/modifying this line in


Now let's get down to the firewall rules. Create the /etc/firewall/
directory and start editing the 
ipfw.rules file (or whatever you added to rc./conf) - example:

# First let's define the firewall command:
# Now let's flush the existing ipfw commands (you'll see that this
# command is gonna be usefull in the future
$fwcmd -f flush

# Ignore SYN, FIN, FRAG TCP packets
$fwcmd add 50 deny tcp from any to any in via any tcpflags syn,fin
$fwcmd add 60 deny ip from any to any in via any frag

#Allow ssh access in the local network, only if you need it
$fwcmd add 70 allow ip from to 22

#Allow netbios access in the local network, only if you need it
$fwcmd add 80 allow ip from to 135-137

# Divert all packets through the tunnel interface.
$fwcmd add 90 divert natd all from any to any via tun0
# Of course tun0 should be change to eth0 if your not on dial-up

# Allow all connections that have dynamic rules built for them,
# but deny established connections that don't have a dynamic rule.
$fwcmd add 100 check-state
$fwcmd add 110 deny tcp from any to any established

# Allow all localhost connections
$fwcmd add 120 allow tcp from me to any out via lo0 setup keep-state
$fwcmd add 130 deny  tcp from me to any out via lo0
$fwcmd add 140 allow ip  from me to any out via lo0 keep-state

# Allow all connections from your network card (that should be
# intialised first)
$fwcmd add 150 allow tcp from me to any out xmit any setup keep-state
$fwcmd add 160 deny  tcp from me to any
$fwcmd add 170 allow ip from me to any out xmit any keep-state

# Everyone on the Internet is allowed to connect to the following
# services on the machine.
$fwcmd add 180 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 21,80 in recv any setup

# If you don't have a webserver or you don't want it to be open to the
# world remove "80"

# This sends a RESET to all ident packets.
$fwcmd add 190 reset log tcp from any to me 113 in recv any

# Enable ICMP: remove type 8 if you don't want your host to be pingable
$fwcmd add 200 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 0,3,8,11,12,13,14

# Denny everything else.
$fwcmd add 210 deny log ip from any to any

That's all. Now reboot your machine. In order to check if the firewall
was loaded type:

ipfw show

You should see the firewall rules you just made. Now your firewall is up
and running protecting you 
from the outside world. If you want to disable your firewall do:

ipfw -f flush

The great thing about ipfw is that you can add commands on the way. All
you have to do is type:

ipfw add Rule_Number Rule

The Rule_Number is important because ipfw interprets the commands in the
order you specify them. 
For more advanced ipfw rules read the man.

Testing your security

OK, now you have a pretty secure workstation that you can safely connect
to the internet. 
But how can you know that for sure ? Test it.

Testing the firewall

For this operation you'll probably need a friend's help (because your
firewall was configured 
to allow localhost connections. Of course you could add something like:

ipfw del 120
ipfw del 130
ipfw del 140

Or whatever the numbers of the rules that allow localhost connections
are. Either way you have to 
find a way to be "outside" the firewall.

Now, ask a friend, or by yourself do a nmap scan (you can install it in
freeBSD from /usr/ports/security/nmap).
 The command should be something like:

nmap -v -O -sS your.host.com

If everything is right you should only see the ports you enabled (21 and
maybe 80). To check your ftp and
 httpd security the best way is to look up their version number in a
security database like bugtraq, 
 security-focus, packetstormsecurity, etc.
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