[FUGSPBR] qmail-scanner via ports ??? travando..

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Seg Maio 3 17:28:07 BRT 2004


Estou tentando instala o qmail-scanner via ports, todos os programas que sao 
pre-requisitos para que o mesmo funciona ja estao instalados, conforme 
mostra a saida do make install. O problema é que apos a ultima linha que a 
parece na tela a instalacao fica parada por muito tempo, tipo mais de 20 
minutos. parece que travou. Mas nao da erro algum, o top ta iddle em 100%. 

Alguem sabe o que pode ser ? 

Abaixo segue a saida do make install:
xeon# pwd
xeon# make QMAILSCAN_ADMIN=virus em xeon.poli.ufrj.br install
===>   qmail-scanner-1.20_2 depends on file: /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue - 
===>   qmail-scanner-1.20_2 depends on file: 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-freebsd/Time/HiRes.pm - found
===>   qmail-scanner-1.20_2 depends on executable: reformime - found
===>   qmail-scanner-1.20_2 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/tnef - found
===>  Configuring for qmail-scanner-1.20_2 

You may use the following build options: 

QMAILSCAN_ADMIN          email adress of qmail-scanner admin for alerts
QMAILSCAN_ADMINREALNAME* name to use when sending alerts
                        (do not use spaces but underscores here)
QMAILSCAN_LOCALDOMAINS   domains classified as local domains preventing 
                        of externals users (and mailing-lists...)
QMAILSCAN_SCANNERS       list of installed content scanner
                        default is automatic, so you do not need to set this
QMAILSCAN_SPAMSREDIRECT* set this if you want to redirect all spams to a
                        specific email address
QMAILSCAN_SPAMSTOSUFFIX* suffix to alter spams recipients with 

When you set the last option to 'spam', a detected spam will be delivered to
'user-spam em domain' instead of 'user em domain'. 

* Please note these options are only available with FreeBSD ports
So please, do not report relatives bugs to qmail-scanner team, but 

Building Qmail-Scanner 1.20... 

This script will search your system for the virus scanners it knows
about, and will ensure that all external programs
qmail-scanner-queue.pl uses are explicitly pathed for performance

It will then generate qmail-scanner-queue.pl - it is up to you to install it

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