[FUGSPBR] cvsup outro error

Flávio Barros flaviobarros.gyn em pop.com.br
Ter Nov 16 09:37:06 BRST 2004

Julião, vc tem ai uma cópia do original ?

> Flávio,
> Está me parecendo estranho este arquivo. Tem um host=... e um default host=
> ....
> Se ele é o que você está usando, melhor copiar o ports-supfile e manter tudo
> como o original, inclusive os "*'s" antes dos comandos e somente mudar o
> default host. Da forma como você está mostrando ai embaixo, está errado.
> Abraços,
> Julião
> ---
> Rede Pegasus
> http://www.redepegasus.com.br
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Flávio Barros" <flaviobarros.gyn em pop.com.br>
> To: <fugspbr em fugspbr.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 9:19 PM
> Subject: [FUGSPBR] cvsup outro error
> Está aparecendo esta mensagem de erro:
> Release not especified for collection "base=/var/db"
> Estou com o FreeBSD 5.3
> Este aqui é o meu arquivo ports-supfile
> host=cvsup2.br.FreeBSD.org
> #  This specifies the server host which will supply the
> #  file updates.  You must change it to one of the CVSup
> #  mirror sites listed in the FreeBSD Handbook at
> #  http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors.html.
> #  You can override this setting on the command line
> #  with cvsup's "-h host" option.
> #
> base=/var/db
> #  This specifies the root where CVSup will store information
> #  about the collections you have transferred to your system.
> #  A setting of "/var/db" will generate this information in
> #  /var/db/sup.  Even if you are CVSupping a large number of
> #  collections, you will be hard pressed to generate more than
> #  ~1MB of data in this directory.  You can override the
> #  "base" setting on the command line with cvsup's "-b base"
> #  option.  This directory must exist in order to run CVSup.
> prefix=/usr
> #  This specifies where to place the requested files.  A
> #  setting of "/usr" will place all of the files requested
> #  in "/usr/ports" (e.g., "/usr/ports/devel", "/usr/ports/lang").
> #  The prefix directory must exist in order to run CVSup.
> # Defaults that apply to all the collections
> #
> # IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup mirror sites
> # listed at http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors.html.
> default host=cvsup3.FreeBSD.org
> default base=/var/db
> default prefix=/usr
> default release=cvs tag=RELENG_5
> default delete use-rel-suffix
> ## Ports Collection.
> #
> # The easiest way to get the ports tree is to use the "ports-all"
> # mega-collection.  It includes all of the individual "ports-*"
> # collections,
> ports-all
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