[FUG-BR] Ambiente de Virtualização para FreeBSD

Gustavo Freitas gst.freitas em gmail.com
Quinta Janeiro 10 11:55:22 BRST 2013

2013/1/10 Sergio Augusto Vladisauskis <sergiovl em gmail.com>:
>  - If you want to use xen as a development environment you would be well
>    advised to install a 32-bit dom0. The libxc interface that emulates ptrace
>    for gdbserver-xen cannot fetch a 32-bit register set when running on a
>    64-bit kernel.
>    - There are problem reports on some systems with the DomU clock not
>    running reliably, giving stalled or sporadic console output and system
>    progress during boot. This is being investigated. Please contact us if you
>    are experiencing this.

mesmo o xenserver da citrix ??

Gustavo Freitas

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