FUG-BR / Grupo Brasileiro de Usuarios de FreeBSD - Usando IPV6 em sua LAN
Usando IPV6 em sua LAN
Por Marcelo Araujo   
Otimo artigo mostrando como configurar sua LAN para suportar o IPV6. Possuo uma sub-classe em uma LAN com poucas maquinas usando IPV6, e posso recomendar que existem diferencas visiveis em roteamento e broadcast. Leia mais.

Por Fred em 10/04/2013 16:00:17
Hi, I found your blog on this new directory of WordPress Blogs at bcalkhatbootcamp.com/listofwordpressblogs. I dont know how your blog came up, must have been a typo, i duno. Anyways, I just clicked it and here I am. Your blog looks good. Have a nice day. James.
Por Rien em 15/04/2013 00:34:23
My parents are Chinese, but I get all kinds of guseses. Lots of times it depends on which circle of people I'm hanging out with.One day in the far off future, you should totally plan a trip to San Francisco. It's a different world. There are a lot of Asians out here, from FOBs (which I realize is a derogatory term) to ABCs (American Born Chinese). I've traveled to different continents, and it was absolute culture shock being in China and Hong Kong. Felt more at home with my relatively ethnically diverse California than I did in either of those territories. I'd love to compare the experience to Australia, one day!Also, that pic gives me the benefit of a blow dry and some eyeliner. Everyday me is very Chapstick, eyebrow pencil, and otherwise unimpressive. A friend of mine has the theory that Eur-Asian kids often take after their moms. I'm not entirely signed onto the idea. (Plus I basically think there is no science to it. You just happen to inherit whatever it is you inherit.)


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