[FUGSPBR] to brandi: for consideration.

irado furioso com tudo irado em subdimension.com
Seg Abr 29 15:37:20 BRT 2002

think that some of our colleagues has reasons, and some others are 
disbanding. It is bad. Maybe you must think in another list, for 
'applications' in FreeBSD, letting the more experienced and focused 
friends with the original list. Note that MANY of lately posted 
questions reffers to APPLICATIONS but not to FreeBSD directly.

Sure, we do need help for these, but wearenot so versed in FreeBSD realm 
to be of any help.. :-(

and you (mainly you) can be pissed with my own posts, can you imagine 
our other friends?? And, later, when (and if) I got enough experience 
maybe I can go a step further. I must battle for it firstly.

Our today's disbanding colleagues can be the new moderators for these 
posts, *not for filtering purposes*, but just for sending this ant that 
post to the 'applications-fuguspbr', instead to the mainstream.

Our disbanded friends, and some others can be of further help evaluating 
WHICH can be addressed to there or to here. ;-) hehehe, as 'they' are 
pissed off, they can help you to improve it.

(in english, to put some filtering - want not to deliver directly to you 
without previous authorization). Best regards,

ps: I can be 'invited' to leave the list, later, but preffer to be 
invitedo to be a reader - no posting alowed. Many other solutions can 
appear, let the people talk to you. But not in the list, please, contact 
these people that you know have ideas and feelings (gamk, patrick, others).


Irado Furioso com Tudo
Linux User 179402

percebemos que a velhice chegou quando deixamos de desejar as tias e 
passamos a desejar as sobrinhas ;-)

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