[FUGSPBR] Problemas com compilacao (acho q eh com o gcc)

Luis Vitorio Cargnini radicci_puc em uol.com.br
Qui Maio 9 01:25:22 BRT 2002

Eu tenho os mesmos erros de signal 11 que le tem e acredito que não seja 
hardware pois o meu hardware e relativamente bom.
Alguém nessa lista saberia o porque isso estaacontedcendo ????
vou mandar meu dmesg para voces verem(uma parte é claro)
CPU: AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor (501.14-MHz 586-class CPU)
   Origin = "AuthenticAMD"  Id = 0x58c  Stepping = 12
   AMD Features=0x80000800<SYSCALL,3DNow!>
real memory  = 134152192 (131008K bytes)
config> en sio1
config> po sio1 0x3f8
config> ir sio1 3
config> f sio1 0
config> en sio2
config> po sio2 0x3e8
config> ir sio2 5
config> f sio2 0
config> q
avail memory = 127242240 (124260K bytes)
Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xc032b000.
Preloaded userconfig_script "/boot/kernel.conf" at 0xc032b09c.
VESA: v3.0, 65536k memory, flags:0x1, mode table:0xc02ce0e2 (1000022)
VESA: NVidia
K6-family MTRR support enabled (2 registers)
md0: Malloc disk
Using $PIR table, 5 entries at 0xc00fdcd0
npx0: <math processor> on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
pcib0: <Host to PCI bridge> on motherboard
pci0: <PCI bus> on pcib0
agp0: <VIA 82C597 (Apollo VP3) host to PCI bridge> mem 
0xd8000000-0xdbffffff at device 0.0 on pci0
pcib2: <VIA 82C598MVP (Apollo MVP3) PCI-PCI (AGP) bridge> at device 1.0 
on pci0
pci1: <PCI bus> on pcib2
pci1: <NVidia model 0110 graphics accelerator> at 0.0 irq 11
isab0: <VIA 82C586 PCI-ISA bridge> at device 7.0 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
atapci0: <VIA 82C586 ATA33 controller> port 0xe000-0xe00f at device 7.1 
on pci0
ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci0
pcib1: <Host to PCI bridge> on motherboard
pci2: <PCI bus> on pcib1
orm0: <Option ROM> at iomem 0xc0000-0xcc7ff on isa0
fdc0: <NEC 72065B or clone> at port 0x3f0-0x3f5,0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
fdc0: FIFO enabled, 8 bytes threshold
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> on fdc0 drive 0
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> at port 0x60,0x64 on isa0
atkbd0: <AT Keyboard> flags 0x1 irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
sc0: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A
sio2 at port 0x3e8-0x3ef irq 5 drq 0 on isa0
sio2: type 16550A
ppc0: <Parallel port> at port 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa0
ppc0: Generic chipset (EPP/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode
ppi0: <Parallel I/O> on ppbus0
lpt0: <Printer> on ppbus0
lpt0: Interrupt-driven port
plip0: <PLIP network interface> on ppbus0
IP packet filtering initialized, divert enabled, rule-based forwarding 
enabled, default to accept, unlimited logging
ad0: 16555MB <QUANTUM FIREBALLlct08 17> [33637/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA33
acd0: CDROM <ATAPI CDROM MS5.00> at ata0-slave using PIO4

Ronan Lucio wrote:
> m3,
> Acredito que seja hardware, fiz esta atualização ontem e
> deu tudo certo.
> $ uname -a
> FreeBSD xxx.melim.com.br 4.6-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 4.6-PRERELEASE #0: Tue May  7 11:29:58 BRT 2002     root em xxx.melim.com.br:/usr/src/sys/compile/SERVER  i386
> $ uptime
>  4:16PM  up 1 day, 53 mins, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.06
> []'s
> Ronan
> On Wed, 8 May 2002 16:01:07 -0300 (Hora pad
> "m3 (Mario Augusto Mania)" <m3 em bandnet.com.br> wrote:
>>Salve lista
>>seguinte, a tempos venho brigando com o 4.5 para fazer cvsup, pq depois do
>>src sync... eu tento o make buildworld e dau erro em compilacao e manda
>>acessar um site gnu.algumacoisa para reportar o erro
>>Eu tava achando q era pau no FreeBSD (me desculpem :D ) mas agora sei q naum
>>Pq instalei o 4.4 e fiz cvsup para RELENG_4_4
>>na hora do buidlworld pau tambem
>>Instalei o 4.3 (apelacao) e fiz cvs para RELENG_4_3
>>e pau na compilacao do 4.3
>>Ae, tentei somente compilar um novo kernel no 4.4-RELEASE mesmo e, adivinhem
>>PAU hehehehehe
>>e me aparecem
>>*** Signal erro 11
>>soh isso eh mais nada...
>>e ae os Stop in /blah/blah/blah
>>alguem sabe o q poder ser isso? acho q eh a placa mae, pq soh aconteceu
>>depois q troquei a placa mae desta makina
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