[FUGSPBR] agora é o cvsup :(

FreeBSD User chatcraker em yahoo.com
Qui Maio 9 11:51:53 BRT 2002

Ta agora to tentando atualizar o ports do

dai mudei o mesmo como abaixo mas nao sei o que por
no default, ja pus 4.5 e nao vai... o que por ali ?

mail# cvsup -g -L 2 ports-supfile
Parsing supfile "ports-supfile"
Release not specified for collection "default"

default host=ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org
default base=/usr
default prefix=/usr
#default release=cvs tag=4.5
default delete use-rel-suffix

# If your network link is a T1 or faster, comment out the following line.
*default compress

## Ports Collection.
# The easiest way to get the ports tree is to use the "ports-all"
# mega-collection.  It includes all of the individual "ports-*"
# collections,

# These are the individual collections that make up "ports-all".  If you
# use these, be sure to comment out "ports-all" above.
# Be sure to ALWAYS cvsup the ports-base collection if you use any of the
# other individual collections below. ports-base is a mandatory collection
# for the ports collection, and your ports may not build correctly if it
# is not kept up to date.

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