[FUG-BR] off-topic

Patrick Tracanelli eksffa em freebsdbrasil.com.br
Seg Maio 2 20:28:32 BRT 2005

Alvicler Magalhaes wrote:
> if {jean, patrick, goto, vinis, aledon, henrique}=alive
> 	then please send a short  email to alvicler at uol. com. br	
> 		else please reload && eat some food && reboot
> endif

Aeee, voltando ao mundo dos vivos =) Soh falta o Vinis e o Capriotti 
agora hehehe :)

update: tzk viado acordo

Patrick Tracanelli
[OT] convite
aproveitando, peco escusas para um OT do bem. nao sei se todos sabem mas o djb forkou a discussao de crypto-anarchy para crypto-panarchy na lista dos c
eu e o henrique estamos juntando brasileiros que queiram participar da discussao crypto-panarquista em pt-br, os que nao estiverem na lista oficial la
como o fundamento vem da fisica teorica, o teorema do livre arbitrio provado ano passado por fisicos americanos conway e simon konchen, demoraram um po
agora foi huehauehaue. como todos sabem (ou se supoe) a etica hacker nasceu junto com o CCC na aleamanha, na epoca o chaos computing club era de fisico
entao o fundamento da fisica e da matematica da subsidio pras acoes serias dessa turma, que deriva dos hackers na CCC e dos cypherpunks na california a
o manifesto estara em crypto.sst.com.br e as instrucoes pra entrar no IRC e na lista tambem. e pra constar segue o manifesto revisado, novinho em folha
do manifesto. depois vamos ver quem pode codar o que e como juntar a tribo (junta tribo unicamp, hello)

The Crypto-Panarchist Manifesto
A man is born conscious and reasoning. Their primary capital being one<80><99>s body and mind. Self owned by free willing volition. Liberty is founded on inescapable principles: incompleteness and uncertainty of action by anyone outside the self. A man is grown consciously self-governing. Objectively reduced by wave decay. Freely orchestrating one<80><99>s will, a man finds himself productive. Deriving goods and services he owns, from their own body and mind allocation, time sliced per their sole determination.

A man reason the laws he come across, in the realm of their own existence. And describes it with applied precision. From the platonic realm of mathematics he discovered. A man follows only norms in agreement. Consented free willing to the terms.

A man owns his privacy and his secrets, derided from states of their intellect. Which is defended by crypto[graphy] and cypher[text]. Including unconsented reading or influencing perturbation of that man<80><99>s counterfactual states of their mind.

A man finds crypto in the maths. Proper protection and defense of his intellect. Supportive defense and protection of his body. Which is expanded and enhanced by guns. Deployed under judicious marksmanship of the responsible and accountable free man.

Weaponizing exploitative payloads, for zero days, zero rings and wave-particles fission. Free reasoning man builds huge power from their intellect. Which will never be used to aggress towards the innocent. And won<80><99>t be spared in just defense of no-harmers.

Righteous man finds justice derived. From discovered and describled laws. Upon acting towards equal fellow men, he finds ethics exercising his reasoning, while calibrating their moral compass. Righteous man derives justice from ethics. Which by principle he won<80><99>t want to aggress. Other rules of just human action arrangements, he will further free willing contract.

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