[FUG-BR] Projeto Autenticacao via web para Utilizacao da Rede

Ricardo A. Reis ricardo_bsd em yahoo.com.br
Qui Fev 9 10:54:53 BRST 2006

Blz Christopher,

Eu to pra testar esse aqui, mais nunca sobra um tempo :-(

[ricardo em daemon:/usr/ports] # make search name="wapsh"
Port:   wapsh-1.0_1
Path:   /usr/ports/shells/wapsh
Info:   A system to allow remote shell logins via a WAP phone or web browser
Maint:  ports em FreeBSD.org

[ricardo em daemon:/usr/ports] # cat shells/wapsh/pkg-descr
htsh/wapsh is a system implemented by exolution GmbH which allows
users to login to a Unix shell on a remote host using a web browser
or WAP phone (in the latter incarnation, htsh is also called wapsh).

The following phones and emulators have been successfully tested with
  * Nokia 6210
  * Nokia 7110
  * Siemens C35 and S35
  * Nokia WAP Toolkit 2.0 "Blueprint" phone emulator
  * UP.Simulator 4.0 from Phone.com

We welcome feedback (at wapsh em exolution.de) from users about their
experiences using other phone types.

Fora isso estou procurando um applet java client de ssh, se vc achar me avisa!!


Ricardo A. Reis
Unix and Network Admin

>   Sobre a parte de autenticação acho que o authpf faz o que você quer. 
> Deve ter algum cliente ssh melhor que logar via putty para isso (algo 
> que fique na tray).
>    www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/authpf.html

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