[FUG-BR] Fwd: [FreeBSD-Announce] Foundation Accepting Project Proposals

Pablo Sánchez phackwer em gmail.com
Sexta Fevereiro 12 16:08:57 BRST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Deb Goodkin <deb em freebsd.org>
Date: 2010/2/12
Subject: [FreeBSD-Announce] Foundation Accepting Project Proposals
To: freebsd-announce em freebsd.org

Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting project proposals is March 1.

The FreeBSD Foundation is pleased to announce we are soliciting the
submission of proposals for work relating to any of the major subsystems
or infrastructure within the FreeBSD operating system.  Proposals
will be evaluated based on desirability, technical merit and

To find out more about the proposal process please read the attached
document. You can also find the document on our website at

We look forward to reading all the interesting project proposals!


The FreeBSD Foundation

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Pablo Santiago Sánchez
Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Web
Zend Certified Engineer #ZEND006757
phackwer em gmail.com
(61) 9975-0883
"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur"

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