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  • Re: [FUG-BR] ARMv6 FreeBSD na beaglebone 5v
  • [FUG-BR] Atualizao do 10.0-Stable
  • Re: [FUG-BR] Atualizao do 10.0-Stable
  • [FUG-BR] Fwd: [Announce] 2.1.5 Release
  • [FUG-BR] [HISTORICO][RESOLVIDO] - scp fatal: Write failed: Cannot allocate memory no /var/log/messages
  • [FUG-BR] Erro sonewconn
  • Re: [FUG-BR] Erro sonewconn
  • Re: [FUG-BR] Erro sonewconn

  • Alertas em Ports
  • chromium -- multiple vulnerabilities
  • django -- multiple vulnerabilities
  • file -- buffer overruns and missing buffer size tests

  • Por bsdinfo
  • Anunciado oficialmente o FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE
    Saiu o anncio oficial do 9.3-RELEASE e abaixo um descritivo de todas as novidades: FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE Announcement The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team is pleased to announce the availability of FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE. This is the fourth release of the stable/9 branch, which improves on the stability of FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE and introduces some new features. Some of […]

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  • Eleito novo FreeBSD Core Team
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  • Backups do Time Machine no FreeBSD 10
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  • Apache 2.x + Subversion + Redmine PDF Imprimir E-mail
    Por Luiz Gustavo S. Costa   
    Subversion LogoTutorial de instalação do sistema de gerenciamento de projetos Redmine integrado ao Subversion, o tutorial já cobre inclusive a instalação do Subversion no FreeBSD.

    Redmine é um excelente sistema de gerenciamento de projetos feito em linguagem Ruby (Ruby on Rails) que se integra em uma variedades de SCM (Sistemas de controle de Versão) inclusive o Subversion que usaremos neste tutorial.

    Veja a integra deste tutorial no link: http://www.luizgustavo.pro.br/doku.php?id=artigos_freebsd:subversion_redmine

    Por Sarmad em 10/06/2012 14:40:03
    You'd find this by clicking on the Sites Icon on the top (as in sites, edit, prieevw, css, terminal, books)Then right click and choose edit,source control is at the bottom, There is a button called checkout source if it's grayed out, then you'll need to set the local root path first under the site section note that in Lion there are many folders that are read only (Ie you can't just drop a site at the root)
    Por Dillah em 21/08/2012 10:28:56
    Yes there is.I was debating with myelsf if I should replace the compiled scripts with uncompiled scripts in the release archives, but I decided that I didn't want to revise the project's history.If for instance v1.1 of a script was originally released compiled, I'm keeping the archive that way to avoid confusion to have both an uncompiled and a compiled version of an archive with the same name floating around.The source is still available though, by going to the Source tab and then Browse to the 1.1 tag for the script of interest. For the most recent version of each script I could add an additional archive though, with the same name but with the _src added so the source code can be easily downloaded as well in one package without having to use Subversion to get a complete project source package in one go.Future versions will be uncompiled in the release archives though, as their history is not yet written. :)Cheers,Johan


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    Precisando transferir arquivo rápido via LAN? Utilize o netcat.
    servidor# nc -l PORTA > /tmp/transferido.tar.gz
    cliente# nc IP PORTA < /tmp/atransferir.tar.gz


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